Anthropoid welcomes submissions to our second issue, on the theme of FOLK.

Folk will consist of general submissions as well as several mini-folios. Submit to the section whose mating dance calls to you. Closes November 30th. Submissions for Folk and Anthropoid are now closed.

For updates on our reading process, follow us at @anthropoid_co.

Issue 2 Guidelines

  • All submissions to Issue 2: Folk must follow these and our usual guidelines, found here. Please do so to ensure your submission will be read!
  • Our themes and tastes are quite broad, so we look forward to your interpretations! Please do read our first issue to get a feel for the magazine before submitting.
  • For writing, please limit to 3-5 poems, or 2-3 microfictions or prose poems, or 1 short story or essay. We will only consider submissions to one genre for this issue. For the genres which allow multiple pieces, you may submit the included works to whichever themes you choose (see below for examples of how to format). These are strict limits so that our staff is not overworked and can dedicate to you a thorough reading.
  • For art, please submit 3-7 pieces (or contact us about longer series work). For most art & photography we accept previously published work. For photo-essays and hybrid work, please limit to 2, or follow our writing length limits as closely as possible in the closest genre (2-3 microfictions, 1 essay if it resembles a long essay, etc.).
  • As a collective, Anthropoid also welcomes new work from our previously published authors. If you are an author previously published in Issue 1: Fauna and would like to contribute further, please send along work at any time for consideration. We’re invested in those we publish, in making this a lively space for their future work, and in expanding our family.
  • Questions can be directed via email or our facebook page.

Formatting Your Submission

  • Please include a genre category, and any appropriate theme categories, as listed, in the subject line of your submission email.
    • Genres: fiction or microfiction, poetry, nonfiction, visual (art & etc.), or other. (Please only use ‘other’ if the submission truly will not fit into any of the previous genre categories.)
    • Themes: Barfolk, Folklore, Kinfolk, or General. (Your submission may be looked at for multiple categories or additional/other minifolios as the issue develops, but give us an idea of where to start.)
  • Please also include “submission” in your subject line.
  • Examples: “Barfolk poetry submission,” “microfiction submission Kinfolk and Folklore,” “General nonfiction submission”
  • Please include a short bio / cover letter in the body of the email.
  • Attach files in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format; art may also be submitted in .jpg, .gif, or .png.

We welcome new or established writers,
and diverse voices.


General Submissions

Give us the folk, and folkiness, of this earth. Our cultures, our curiosities, our habits, our categories, our commonalities and our differences.

We’re looking to populate a whole issue around the concept of folk. As noun, adjective, form of address, family or extended connection, we want to see coalitions and communities (or also, as ever, their absence, which is its own kind of social structure), familiarity or distance, citizenship or heritage, quirk or superstition, quaint souvenirs or what is inherited from the life. We want the details of people and tradition, we want settings to inhabit and voices to listen to at night, and we want to see what folk, and its evocations and interpretations, can catalogue and sustain.

Folk will be edited by the Anthropoid collective staff.


Winos, stiffs, and ‘tenders, carousing in their dives, their pubs, clubs, even Starbucks’s or Oxygen bars, or Bacchus’ backyard barbecue…

Take us places real or imagined, show us the characters who emerge in the boozy backlit of the poolhalls and public houses, beergardens and bistros, saloons and speakeasies, houseparties and honky tonks, weddings, or the airport lounge. Think of the coffee mug shared along the trail, or even the rusted out roadside canteen filled up with ghosts. We want to observe these human watering holes and the life (or lack) within them. But give us language which crackles in the glass, bring us a beat thumping through our screens, and do make us say “just one more.”

Barfolk will be edited by featured guests Sonya Vatomsky and Sam Slaughter.


The stories of folk, the stories folks tell.

What narratives will you reinvent, or create? What ‘lore will you lay before us? We’re looking for fairy tales, folk stories, myths, oral histories, rituals and old wives’ tales. Show us the edges of maps, the cracked ink in old pages. Paint for us cultures thriving, forgotten, conjured. Show us the ordinary, told by extraordinary means. Give us work that shrinks the gaps of time, that grapples with the place of folklore today. Where can it fit? What can it reveal? Illuminate the truths that hide in old tales. Make room for ancient ritual to engage the problems of today. Look forward: where does old lore meet future fiction? Where do past ghosts and visions of tomorrow intersect? Find that space and give us a tour. Recognize that we are still folk–past, present, future–and that our stories can evolve and endure.

Folklore will be edited by Melissa R. Sipin and Anna Kovatcheva.


Who are your kindred? How is a lineage traced?

What was the name of your great-great-great grandfather’s mule? How many cultures do your ancestors span? Which big city did your family move to during the industrial migrations? Did you land somewhere in the in-between? End up with kindred different from those you were born to? From inherited kin to the chosen family and the folk of our histories, we want to hear all the different ways a community finds itself, binds itself, or becomes estranged. We want misremembered traditions. We want messy familial secrets. We want origin stories of socio-cultural consciousness organized around ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, diverse abilities, nationhood, and others.

Kinfolk will be edited by featured guest Joy Priest.

Images: Kenzie Allen (Page Header, General, Barfolk), Sachin Teng (Folklore), Alex Schwab (Kinfolk)

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